Contact persons and information

Email address

For further information on AERC 2014, please email:


All questions send to this address will be distributed to the correct contact person


specific contact persons
responsibility name email
Conference Chair Prof. Dr. N. Willenbacher
Prof. Dr. M. Wilhelm
Norbert Willenbacher does-not-exist.kit edu
Manfred Wilhelm does-not-exist.kit edu
Industrial exhibition Dr. Bernhard Hochstein
Berhard Hochstein does-not-exist.kit edu
Short Course I:
Fouriertransform Rheology
Dr. Christopher Klein
Christopher Klein does-not-exist.kit edu
Short Course II:
Rheology of micro- and nanostructured polymers
Dr. Ulrich Handge ulrich handge does-not-exist.hzg de
Short Course III:
Dr. Erin Koos Erin Koos does-not-exist.kit edu
Excursions for accompanying persons Dipl.-Ing. Boris Bitsch Boris Bitsch does-not-exist.kit edu



Download information material
2nd Flyer AERC
 Overview scientific program
 Abstractbook AERC 2014 Karlsruhe